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AK47, улучшение +3 оружия и исправление миномётного обстрела

AK47, улучшение +3 оружия и исправление миномётного обстрела
Battlefield Play4Free - AK47, улучшение +3 оружия и исправление миномётного обстрелаAK47, улучшение +3 оружия и исправление миномётного обстрела

Сегодня вышел апдейт.

Он немного улучшает +3 оружие,

исправляет баланс миномётного обстрела (мортар страйка) и усиленного бустером РПГ

А также некоторые визуальные фиксы в магазине.

И добавлено новое оружие для Ассаулта - Классический АК47.

Вот полное описание:


• The AK-47 assault rifle has been introduced to Battlefield Play4Free

• The Deals and Apparel menus have been updated to match the styling of the weapon store

• Several backend improvements have been made to the store and advertising systems

• Mortar Strike's cooldown has been slightly increased

• Mortar Strike's Booster has received the following adjustments: •The booster no longer increases the explosion radius

• The booster's max damage increase to the inner radius has been reduced from +40% to +30%

• The explosive damage bonus is now +10 rather than +30

• 3 additional shells are now added to the volley as opposed to 7

• The RPG's Booster has received the following adjustment: •+200 damage has been moved from the explosion radius to the rocket itself, meaning direct hits receive the additional 200 damage, but indirect hits don't

• +3 Weapons now do +3 damage across a uniform set of ranges and targets.

• +3 Weapons have received a bump in their ammo count.

Bug Fixes •Instances of it being impossible to remove apparel should no longer occur

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